Ayurvedic Urea 6 inches Powder

(4 customer reviews)


Ayurvedic Urea 6 inches Powder

Ayurvedic Urea 6 inches Powder  is world’s first legitimate height increasing and grow taller product which works guaranteed without any side effects on anyone who falls under 13-45 age group including transgender but is to some extent restricted to HIV victims and/or dwarfs.

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Ayurvedic Urea 6 inches Powder

Ayurvedic Urea 6 inches Powder is the world’s first Legit grow taller and height increasing medicine that is of Indian origin. The Medicine, is a purely natural medicine and has been used by thousands, with 100% effective satisfying results with no side effects. The medicine is produced with earth’s rarest herb, which is know as Dhatrumurgasiniy. As a result of its scarcity, the medicine has become very expensive. In 2008, the Benzo Family, a Sino-American Research Company sign a partnership with Indian’s Bhutan local producing Firm to research and improve the production of Ayurvedic Urea. In 2010, we complete the process, and the Local Bhutan Indian Firm, was transformed into a Standard Research Center and manufacturing lab for Ayurvedic Urea. Today, the Medicine is strictly produced under our supervision and there are only a few Licensed distributors in the world. We are currently the sole and official Producer and seller of Ayurvedic Urea in India and the USA.

Though there are some minor local traditional practices that still exist, which cannot be controlled, but as at now, we are the sole manufacturers of ayurvedic Urea at Industrial Level that can be sold. The Medicine is produced and marketed in two Forms. Liquid and Powder. The medicine does not exist in tablet or capsule form, and any claims of that should be reported to us. As the official producer of Ayurvedic Urea, we have Licensed a few Pharmacies in the USA, through the Drug Enforcement Administration authorizing them to seller the Medicine. Some of them might charge prices higher than those on our website, based on their States or location.
Based on our Research the medicine cannot be used by every body, thus there a few conditions that have been set based on our Research and experiments over the years to determine who is Eligible to use the Medicine.

1) You must be between the Ages of 13 years and 45 years.
2) You must not be HIV positive.
3) You must not be a dwarf.

The forceful use of the medicine without qualifying as mentioned above might result to some unexpected reactions on your body which cannot be predetermined and we shall not be responsible.

When you purchase Ayurvedic Urea, the medicine comes with a complete user manual. Once you receive your Medicine one of our specialized doctors, will give you a call while you have the medicine and manual in hand, and will guide you more on consumption and dosage. You shall also, receive medical follow up by one of our professional doctors, through out the process, till you achieve you desire height increase.

4 reviews for Ayurvedic Urea 6 inches Powder

  1. Jim Caning Australia

    Hello, I did receive your Medication and it did help me. My Only problem is you told me I will get the Medication in four Days, but I had to wait for one week. Not a big worry though. What I actually wanted to find out is I wish to order the medicine for my Cousin, she needs it, so i wanted to find out if I can order on her Behalf?

  2. Alex G

    Thanks Guys. Glad to inform you I received my package from the mail and I must say its the finest i ever had. Thank my friend for showing me the way. Thanks guys

  3. Wang Wei

    The first time I bought the Medicine was for my Son, he’s good now. This time I wish to buy for my nephew. I don’t if you Remember, last time I had my Brother in the USA he came to your pharmacy and paid the money to you in your pharmacy, I wanted to find out if you can give me your bank details for me to Transfer the money to you. Also one more thing, considering its my second time, please can you give me a discount this time, you know the medicine is expensive. Please Let someone get in touch with me. I’m currently in china. Thanks

  4. Greta M.

    Hello, I tried Calling but seems your Line is Busy. My Medicines did arrive safely in Venice this morning. But I did not see the User Manual. Please I wish to find out if it will be sent by mail of still via same shipping Company? I also wish to schedule an appointment with one of your Doctors so that they can better explain to me how to use the Medicine, Its my First time. Looking forward to your response.

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