Ativan 1mg


Ativan 1mg

Ativan 1mg (Lorazepam) is prescribed for treatment of anxiety, prophylaxis of insomnia, and also treatment of spasms including epilepsy.

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Ativan 1mg

Ativan 1mg (Lorazepam) is prescribed for treatment of anxiety, prophylaxis of insomnia, and also treatment of spasms including epilepsy.

In some cases this drug may be prescribed as myorelaxing and analgesic remedy during different therapeutic procedures.

Way of use and dosage

Ativan (Lorazepam) belongs to the class of psychoactive medical products, so that each patient needs an individual course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, based on the prior consultation.

– Ativan is produced in tablets of 1 mg and 2 mg

– The use of the tablets should be started from the low dose gradually increasing it up to the optimal dosage.

– The initial daily dose is 2 mg for adults

– Then the daily dose may be increased several times. Up to 6-8 mg divided into several uses

– The maximum daily dose for adult patient is 10 mg

– Children under 12 years are adviced to use 4-8 mg a day

Your attending doctor should indicate the optimal dosage regimen based on the therapy results and sensitivity of the patient to the active components of the drug.

Treating insomnia the drug should be used about 30 minutes before sleep. This will help to get the maximum effect and quickly fall asleep.

– The daily dose should be divided into several uses (every 8 hours). Do not take the daily dose in one reception. It will help you to maintain the optimal level of the active components in the body and reduce the risk of side effects.


– During treatment ethanol consumption is strictly prohibited

– Patients with arterial hypotension, cerebral sclerosis, heart failure or low body weight should adjust the dosage regimen

– It is not recommended to use Ativan (Lorazepam) in case of the respiratory diseases, pathological dysfunction of liver or kidneys, maniac or suicidal syndrome

– The active components of the drug may harm the fetus and penetrate the breast milk, and therefore it is necessary to stop taking Ativan (Lorazepam) during pregnancy and in the period of lactation.

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Select Quantity

100 tablets, 200 tablets, 500 tablets, 1000 tablets, 2000 tablets


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